
Posts Tagged ‘the fort’

How difficult would it be to stick to your training plan? For me, quite difficult!

As I have signed up again for this year’s Singapore Standard Chartered Marathon, I needed to prepare and commit to a training plan. Last year’s training wasn’t much a success but I was at least able to finish!

Going into my 3rd week in my plan, I have yet to follow strictly the dates and mileage. Let me just say that I know the importance of speed training but I skip that altogether. So today I have forced myself to do the recommended 14k but cheated on the speed. Tsi and I followed the 10k route of Tatakbo Ka Ba GMA race and then just did a couple of loops around Boni High St to meet the remaining 4k.

This has been the longest run I had in the past couple of months. I had been very delinquent during my month-long vacation in the US. And when I returned, haven’t jogged or ran anything beyond a respectable distance. And that sad fact was truly madly deeply felt TODAY! Very similar to my old ’76 corolla car while I was driving it around UP years ago. It creaked, whined, groaned!

From my condition this morning, I definitely need to, must, will, can, should stick to my training plan if I want to finish the full this december. I need to increase my runs and mileage!

How do you make yourself stick to your training plan? Are there runners like me who cannot follow the plan strictly?

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